Workout of the Day
CROSSFIT Hang power snatch, 3×2 Back squat with pause at bottom , 3×2 *Must be below parallel BOOTCAMP 4 rounds (teams of 2) Partner 1- 200m OH plate walk 45/25# or heavy KB farmer-carry walk Partner...
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CROSSFIT Rack jerk, 7×1 then, 30-20-10 Ring push ups Ball slams, 30#/20# Pull ups BOOTCAMP “Barbara” 20 Pullups 30 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 50 Squats Rest three minutes between each round. OPEN GYM: FALL...
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CROSSFIT 400m run with slamball, 35#/25# 30 medball clean thrusters, 35#/25# 400m run with slamball, 35#/25# BOOTCAMP 12min AMRAP 7 DB Push Press (challenging weight) 14 Burpees 21 Lateral Box Jumps...
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CROSSFIT 3 rounds: 400m run 15 toes to bars 15 ball slams The Finisher: Max reps box jumps in 5 minutes BOOTCAMP 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Chest to bar pullup Box Jumps 24/20in Hand Release Pushups OPEN...
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CROSSFIT 8×3 Back squat with 3 second pause at bottom, 50% of 1RM 2×2 Deadlift, 90% of 1RM 3×3 Deadlift, 50% of 1RM The Finisher In sets of 5: max effort single-arm dumbbell push presses, 5 minutes...
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CROSSFIT 400m run 35 wallballs, 20#/14# to 10′ 800m run 35 wallballs, 20#/14# to 10′ 400m run OPEN GYM: From 7:45am to Noon FALL PALEO CHALLENGE We will be closed on Sunday and we will only be open...
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“Hotshots 19″ Six rounds for time of: 30 Squats 135 pound Power clean, 19 reps 7 Strict Pull-ups Run 400 meters Full September Programming will post TOMORROW
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CROSSFIT Wendler overhead squat, Week 1 Use 90% of 1RM for the following -Set 1: 5 reps at 65% -Set 2: 5 reps at 75% -Set 3: 5+ reps at 85% Wendler deadlift, Week 1 Use 90% of 1RM for the following...
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CROSSFIT Wendler push press, Week 1 Use 90% of 1RM for the following -Set 1: 5 reps at 65% -Set 2: 5 reps at 75% -Set 3: 5+ reps at 85% EMOM for 10 minutes: 3 power snatches, 70% 1RM 6 burpees RUNNING...
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CROSSFIT “Jackie” 1000m row 50 thrusters, 45# 30 pull ups CROSSFIT Lite 8 minute EMOM: 3 reps Hang Clean (75/55) Note: Focus on speed to the bottom then.. 5 rounds 10 Thrusters (75/55) 20 Double...
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Somebody is getting married!!! CONGRATS CRAIG AND STEPH! CROSSFIT EMOM for 20 minutes: Odd, 3 hang power cleans at 70% of 1RM Even, max step ups OPEN GYM: During Active Class Sessions September 2013...
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Happy Birthday Kristen CROSSFIT EMOM for 30 minutes: Odd: Max reps double unders Even: 5 pull ups, 5 dips, 5 wallballs OPEN GYM: During Active Class Session Times. 7:45am to Noon
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CROSSFIT “Michael” 3 rounds: Run 800 meters 50 Back Extensions 50 Sit-ups OPEN GYM: From 9am to Noon
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CROSSFIT Wendler overhead squat, Week 2 Use 90% of 1RM for the following -Set 1: 3 reps at 70% -Set 2: 3 reps at 80% -Set 3: 3+ reps at 90% Wendler deadlift, Week 2 Use 90% of 1RM for the following...
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CROSSFIT Wendler push press, Week 2 Use 90% of 1RM for the following -Set 1: 3 reps at 70% -Set 2: 3 reps at 80% -Set 3: 3+ reps at 90% 8 minutes to ascend the ladder: 1 front squat, 50% of 1RM 1 HSPU...
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CROSSFIT 400m run 30-20-10 Front rack lunge steps, 95#/65# Sumo deadlift high pulls, 95#/65# 400m run RUNNING 3 rounds for time: Run 800 50 Air Squats 50 Situps CROSSFIT Lite 10 minute amrap: 12 Push...
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CROSSFIT Partner WOD Part 1: 4x250m row, each: -Rest while your partner rows -Max efforts Rest 5 minutes Partner WOD Part 2: AMRAP in 5 minutes: “I go, you go” 5 deadlifts, 225#/155# Rest 5 minutes...
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CROSSFIT EMOM for 20 minutes: Odd, 5 push jerks 135#/95# Even, 20 bar hops OPEN GYM: During Active Class Session Times
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CROSSFIT 15 squat cleans, 155#/105# 5 muscle ups 10 squat cleans, 155#/105# 5 muscle ups 5 squat cleans, 155#/105# 5 muscle ups OPEN GYM: 7:45am to Noon
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