Workout of the Day
CROSSFIT 3 rounds: 400m run with slamball, 35#/25# 30 ball slams 15 burpees CROSSFIT LITE 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 KB swings, 2pd/1.5pd K2E *30 double unders/60 singles after each round * STRENGTH 21-15-9...
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CROSSFIT EMOM for 20 minutes: Odd, 3 heavy push jerks Even, L-sit accumulation CROSSFIT LITE AMRAP in 15 minutes: 5 handstand push ups/3 wall climbs 10 ring dips 15 calorie row WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch...
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CROSSFIT “Dork” 33 back squats 15 burpees 33 deadlifts 15 burpees 33 KB swings 15 burpees - Squats and deads at 225/155 - Black/blue KB
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CROSSFIT Recovery Day 1 mile run 800m run 400m run 200m run *Rest = Time of Run* CROSSFIT LITE 750m row 600m run 500m row 400 run 250m row 200m run *Rest = Time of Row/Run* *Rest = Time of Run*...
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CROSSFIT “Coe” 10 rounds: 10 thrusters, 95#/65# 10 ring push ups CROSSFIT LITE 10 rounds: 10 wallballs, 20#/14# 10 push ups CFHJuly2014Programming
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CROSSFIT Strength 1RM Overhead squat Metcon 8 minute ladder: 2 lunge steps, KB’s/DB’s in front rack (35#/25#) 2 burpees 4 lunge steps 4 burpees 6 lunge steps 6 burpees etc… CROSSFIT LITE 5 rounds of:...
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CROSSFIT Strength 1RM Bench press Metcon 3 rounds: 40 double unders 20 pull ups 10 push presses, 115#/75# CROSSFIT LITE EMOM for 15 minutes: 5 kettlebell swings + 10/7 burpees WEIGHTLIFTING Drop...
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CROSSFIT AMRAP in 20 minutes: 200m run 7 STRICT pull ups 5 handstand push ups CROSSFIT LITE 10 rounds: 250m row 15 push ups STRENGTH EMOM 20:00 -3 Weighted Pull ups -8 wall ball sit ups
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CROSSFIT EMOM for 20 minutes: Odd, 3 hang power clean and jerks (155#/105#)* Even, 10 toes-to-bars CROSSFIT LITE EMOM for 30 minutes: Odd: max reps double/single unders Even: 5 pull ups, 5 ring dips,...
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CROSSFIT Strength 1RM back squat Metcon 3 rounds: 10 deadlifts, 205#/135# 10 step ups, dbs held at sides (35#/25#) CFHJuly2014Programming
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CROSSFIT 5 rounds: 5 muscle ups 5 DB/KB push press, left (55#/35#) 5 DB/KB push press, right (55#/35#) 200m run CROSSFIT LITE 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Sumo deadlift highpulls, 95#/65# *200m run between...
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CROSSFIT “Angie” 100 pull ups 100 push ups 100 sit ups 100 air squats SIGN UP FOR UPCOMING EVENTS: Couples Competition, Pull Up Power Hour, Jump Rope Seminar, Olympic Lifting Seminar SIGN UP FOR THE...
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CROSSFIT Strength Wendler OHS Week 1 Using 90% of your 1RM 5 reps at 65% 5 reps at 75% 5+ reps at 85% Metcon 500m row 50 wall balls, 20#/14# 400m run CROSSFIT LITE 5 rounds: 10 dumbbell thrusters,...
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CROSSFIT Wendler Bench Press Week 1 Using 90% of your 1RM 5 reps at 65% 5 reps at 75% 5+ reps at 85% Tabata Workout 8 rounds of 20 seconds on/10 seconds rest through EACH of the following movements:...
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CROSSFIT 800m run 30 ring dips 30 kb swings 400m run 20 ring dips 20 kb swings 200m run 10 ring dips 10 kb swings - KB swing are at 70#/55# CROSSFIT LITE 4 rounds: 25 air squats 10 handstand push ups...
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CROSSFIT EMOM for 20 Minutes: Odd, 3 hang power snatches (135#/95#)* Even, 7 chest-to-bar pull ups CROSSFIT LITE 6 rounds: 250m row 15 wallballs 30 double unders WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch triples Power(High...
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CROSSFIT Wendler Back Squat Week 1 Using 90% of your 1RM 5 reps at 65% 5 reps at 75% 5+ reps at 85% Metcon 3 rounds: 30 air squats 20 kb swings, 55#/35# 10 box jumps, 24″/20″ SIGN UP FOR UPCOMING...
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CROSSFIT AMRAP in 12 minutes: 12 calorie row 6 burpees to target 3 wall climbs Immediately followed by 9 minutes to achieve heaviest deadlift CROSSFIT LITE 10 rounds: 10 ball slams 10 goblet lunges...
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CROSSFIT 100 Squats 5 Muscle-ups 75 Squats 10 Muscle-ups 50 Squats 15 Muscle-ups 25 Squats 20 Muscle-ups CROSSFIT LITE 7 rounds: 10 sumo deadlift highpulls, 95#/65# 10 V-ups with plate, 25#/15# 10...
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CROSSFIT Strength Wendler OHS Week 2 Using 90% of your 1RM 3 reps at 70% 3 reps at 80% 3+ reps at 90% Metcon Partner WOD 5 minute “I go, you go”-style 5 power snatches rest 3 minutes Partner WOD 5...
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