Teams of 4
-Teammates bear crawl, one at a time, 3 lengths of the gym
- While teammate is bear crawling, remaining 3 are doing max reps burpees; this also applies to the person who just finished the bear crawls
Once all teammates have finished:
- Overhead walking lunge (25#/10#) 3 lengths of the gym, one teammate at a time
- Teammate 2 rests in plank, teammate 3 rests at the bottom of a squat, teammate 4 rests holding onto a pull up bar
- Teammates can rotate who rests in what position
Once all have finished:
- 400m run with 50# sandbag; share the load as needed
Once all teammates have finished:
- Overhead walking lunge (25#/10#) 3 lengths of the gym, one teammate at a time
- Teammate 2 rests in plank, teammate 3 rests at the bottom of a squat, teammate 4 rests holding onto a pull up bar
- Teammates can rotate who rests in what position
-Teammates bear crawl, one at a time, 3 lengths of the gym
- While teammate is bear crawling, remaining 3 are doing max reps burpees; this also applies to the person who just finished the bear crawls
*Every burpee = 1/2 second subtracted from the team’s time. So make them count.*
For time:
20 Pullups
75 Wallballs
Row 1000
75 WallBalls
20 Pullups
8 rounds:
Row 30 seconds for max calories
Rest 30 seconds
- Back Squat – 80% x 5 x 5
- Block (or hang) Clean (mid-thigh) – 65% x 3 x 2, 70% x 3 x 3
- Halting Clean Deadlift (upper thigh) – 80% (of clean) x 3, 85% x 3 x 2
- SLDL – 65% (of back squat) x 5 x 3 SKILL
3 Sets
Max Consecutive Muscle Ups
2 Minute Rest
*If you do not have a muscle up, we will work on the skill for 5+ minutes
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OPEN GYM: During Active Class Times except during Fundamentals at 5:30 to 6:15am and 7:30 to 8:15pm